Winter 2025 Reminders & Updates
Hello Graduate Students!
Happy New Year from the GSA. We hope your term is off to a great start so far.
The Graduate Students Association (GSA) provides representation, support, and advocacy to all graduate students at the University of Lethbridge. The GSA aims to provide well-rounded support, including financial support through awards and bursaries, mental health support, social events, and an annual multidisciplinary conference for the dissemination of graduate student work on campus.
Here are some important updates and reminders for you:
Registration for New & Continuing Students: If you have yet to do so, please register for Fall 2024 ASAP to ensure that you avoid any late fees, loss of eligibility for UPass & Health and Dental Coverage, as well as to ensure that your RA and GA payments are processed on time.
Graduate Student Winter Welcome & Upcoming Events: All new and returning graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to attend the Graduate Student Welcome on January 16th, from 1:00-2:00 p.m., in PE261! Attendees MUST be registered in order to be guaranteed a meal. Halal, vegetarian, and gluten-free options will be available. Register here: https://myexperience.uleth.ca/openEvents.htm?eventId=4883
Other upcoming GSA events, courses, and workshops (EndNote, NVivo, IMPACT Teaching Development Workshop) for graduate students can be found here: https://www.ulgsa.org/gsaevents
UPass Opt-Out: If you are eligible to opt-out of UPass, please do so on through the Bridge PRIOR TO the deadline. If you have any questions about UPass, please reach out to the GSA at gsa@uleth.ca
Meeting of the Minds: The Meeting of the Minds Conference, hosted by the University of Lethbridge Graduate Students' Association (GSA), features short talks, poster, and creative presentations representing a wide variety of research taking place on campus. All disciplines are welcome! Wide-array of project presentation options and prizes are available.
GSA Awards & Bursaries: The GSA has various awards and bursaries available to part-time, full-time, and international graduate students in all programs. These include Travel Awards, Emergency Bursaries, and Research Bursaries. Information about our awards and their deadlines are available at https://www.ulgsa.org/awards
GSA Study Carrels: Study Carrels in the Library are available for lease by graduate students. Each space includes a private room with a desk and working area. Study Carrels require a fully refundable $25 key deposit returned to you at the end of your lease. Please contact gsa@uleth.ca for availability if you are interested in your own study corral. More information is available at https://www.ulgsa.org/spaces
Graduate Student Lounge: The GSA has a graduate student lounge in Markin Hall (M3005) available for all graduate students to use. This space includes study areas, a fridge and freezer, kettles and coffee makers, a foosball table, and couches. Please contact gsa@uleth.ca for the access code to this space and use this space whenever you please.
Food Bank Resources: There are multiple FREE food bank resources available to graduate students on campus. For information about food hampers, see (https://www.ulethbridge.ca/artsci/indigenous-student-success-cohort/food-bank-resources). 24/7 food pantries are also available across campus (https://www.ulethbridge.ca/food-for-thought/little-library-food-pantries)
Please keep an eye out for future GSA email updates. We encourage you to reach out to the GSA (gsa@uleth.ca) for any support. Any questions regarding academic employment should be directed to the GSA union, the ULGA (Email: gsa.labour@uleth.ca // Website: https://ulga.ca/ ).
We wish you a wonderful term!
All the best,
Jaxon Reiter
GSA President